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Know The Unknown

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Operational Risk Management

The business processes have various challenges, and they are the foundation of the operational risk analysis. When beginning our consulting within the organization, we rapidly identify the sensitive points and the main exposures. Then, we create policy and methodologies tailored to the organization's activity and sector, and more importantly, to the inter- organizational' s dynamic and culture. Our consulting is based on practical, creative & efficient solutions, for relatively smooth implementation.

Our services:

  • Identifying the sensitive points and vulnerabilities in your organization

  • Setting tailor maid KRI's (Key Risk Indicator), and managerial dashboard

  • Mitigating operational & technological work processes, tailored to the organization structure, considering regulation and control environment & needs

  • Building the organization Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for emergency events

  • Fitting the right organizational Risk Management Policy and Methodologies. Creating an information flow and internal report processes

  • Conducting cross-organizational risks surveys, building the organizational risk map

  • Performing a Deep Dive Analysis - in-depth surveys of high-risk units/activities within the organization

  • Conducting Game/Interactive based training & lectures

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